Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's past my bedtime I know....but it's better to be sitting here typing than sitting upstairs eating candy...which is what I'm willing myself away from right now.

We got Hannah an small trampoline for Christmas and I've been thinking about starting to use it. It would burn fat and I can do it right in the living room or down here in the family room...depending on where I can get the most privacy....(like that exists around her! HA!) Anyway...that and I think I can start walking again. Mid day seems to be nice enough for me to take the kids that's in the plan as well.

I'm hormonal right now and it's not doing me any favors! I didn't do most of what I had planned for today. I didn't even go to group! I went to my brothers ice skating lesson instead. I'm thinking about not going to group anymore, I really do get a lot out of it...and I do like it. It's just that since it changed from counseling to life coaching I just don't have the freedom in there that I need. I was thinking that I could keep that time slot every week and go do something by myself for a couple of hours. Like go visit friends or go sit and write or read or ya know....whatever I feel like that day....I just don't think I'd stick to it. I'd probably never take the time...I'd stay home or take my family with me....I's not a good decision making day for me.

Ok I'm going to clean.....I need a book!

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