Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why doesn't someone rock ME to sleep?

I can't seem to get going today. I'd love nothing more than to go lay in my bed with a book and read till I fall asleep....and when I wake it again. But, no! I'll go clean my house and do some laundry and cook some food and later I'll take a shower and go to group. When I get home I'll probably cook again and watch some tv and give Ian a bath and maybe bake some bread. More laundry for sure, and there's always the bed time battle....because nobody under the age of 27 is EVER tired in this house!

Word vomit....I know....and it's really just a normal day. And usually I focus on the good/fun of the day...I just can't today....not yet anyway. I'll try.

Here I go to face the day.....I'm being a bum today....I know. I'm this is the Jamie life gets today.

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