Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It's 3:33 in the morning and I've been up straightening my hair and making cupcakes for Hannah's Birthday party tomorrow. She couldn't sleep....excitement and the strong winds making scary noises outside....mostly excitement though! I"m heading to bed now...even though Allen hasn't made it home yet....last I knew the trains were on time...but his phone was going dead...anything could have happened, stupid trains.

I can't believe I have a 5 year old! It's crazy to me...I remember being 5 very clearly! It's so strange.....She's a much better 5 than I was though....I am so so excited about tomorrow too...I always get so excited for her Birthday and I'm already excited about Ian's. I actually take the time to be thankful for the day they were born and I enjoy celebrating it all day long. Special breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner...I pack in as much special as I can lol....I really out did myself on her 3rd Birthday and it was a learning experience for sure! I don't stress over Birthday's now...I did that year and I didn't get to enjoy the day like I wanted to. Of course something stressful usually happens anyway....but it doesn't ruin my day and it surely isn't because I've tried to cram too much into one day.

Anyway...I didn't make my bed time....but I did the last two night! GO ME!

Goodnight my nonexistent fans :)

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